DH Lawrence 1885 - 1930

Lawrence View from Walker Street
Copyright Gavin Gillespie 2023

The Breach House

The Breach House - Sons and Lovers Cottage
Copyright Gavin Gillespie 2023

DH Lawrence’s childhood home.

28 Garden Road, Eastwood, Nottingham, NG16 3FW

An engraving of the Breach House, Eastwood, by Jack Bronson

From an engraving by Jack Bronson

The Breach House at Eastwood.

The Breach House was the home of D.H. Lawrence in his early years, after moving from his birthplace on Victoria Street.

People from all over the world have visited the Breach House, including relatives of both DH Lawrence, and Frieda Von Richtofen. A number of notable writers, artists and playwrights have visited and stayed at Breach House. The house has also been a location for two major films, televised dramas and documentaries.

The Breach House is a typical miner's cottage from the 1880s, it was DH Lawrence’s childhood home, and the setting for 'The Bottoms' in his novel, Sons and Lovers. This historic house is free to visit, details of opening times below.


Note from the Breach House website regarding opening times.

Breach House open days, 2023 - Saturday 3rd June, and Saturday 8th July.

For a more up to date list of opening times, or to arrange a guided tour, check the Breach House website, link below.

The Breach House Website link, and latest news on opening times:- The Breach House


Note from Gavin Gillespie - As the author of this site, I personally have nothing to do with Breach House, and some of the information provided here might have changed since this website was updated, so please use the contact information provided above for the Breach House to check for the latest information.

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